Let us learn to feel our inner energy, work with it and use it in our lives.

Let us indulge in intense moments in the company of like-minded women. Let's learn easy and effective meditation and relaxation techniques that can help us in a variety of life situations. We may learn something about ourselves that we have not yet thought of on a conscious level. Over tea or coffee, there will certainly be ample space for sharing our experiences and inspiring each other. Morning and evening exercises and connecting with the energy of the Earth and the Universe, walking together in the winter nature, dancing, creating and sharing will help to replenish the inner strength so much needed for the winter season that is now underway.

In addition to an intensive program, we will be staying in the cozy rooms of the beautiful farmhouse Salajna supported by a home-cooked vegetarian diet. Rest, reading, relaxation or sleep certainly do not interfere with the intended program.

You can find pictures from the events already held in our gallery.

In addition to the usual items, bring a mattress, a larger scarf/blanket to cover yourself, a smaller blindfold for meditation while dancing, and if you like, loose and comfortable clothes for the meditation "disco". Any other accessories (aroma oils, candles, stones, inlay cards, etc.) are entirely up to you.

Further information about this meeting is listed below, if you are interested please contact us contact.

Deadline: 25. 1. (15:00) - 27. 1. (15:00) 2019
Place: Salajna ship
Meals: full vegetarian board
Transportation: Own
Price: 3 500,- CZK (students - discount 20%)
Backup: 1 500,- CZK (payment of the deposit is a condition for reservation)
Additional charge: 2 000,- CZK (due by 31 December 2018)
Cancellation fee: Cancellation fee is charged in the amount of the deposit plus the following percentage of the surcharge - 0% surcharge for cancellations more than 28 days before the event, 25% surcharge for cancellations more than 21 days (and less than 29 days) before the event, 50% surcharge for cancellations more than 7 days (and less than 22 days) before the event and 75% for cancellations less than 8 days before the event. If you provide your own substitute or if the event is full, the cancellation fee is waived and the full amount paid including deposit is refunded.
Number of participants: 16
Flyer: PDF