DIVOSVĚT for children is an experiential project that can enrich your kindergarten or school program. All children love stories, let alone theatre... In addition to theatrical stories with different messages, you can give your children a space to stop, listen and connect with their inner world in the rich programme of Meditation DIVOHRATEK.


DIVadlo OSof the municipality KNOWis an intimate original theatre for preschool and school-age children.

At performances children are drawn into the story and become helpers, knights and princesses, water or trees. Afterwards, children can play with the puppets and props and try their hand at standing "on the boards that mean the world".

If you want, you can choose one of the accompanying themed activities for your children at the end workshopswhich are free.


As DIVOSVĚT is still in its infancy, your children have a unique opportunity to become its first audience and actors. Gradually, the repertoire will be expanded to include more theatre pieces with new messages. Choose from the performances below. Click on the image to be redirected to the details page.
The Legend of King Arthur
Join the mythical King Arthur, Queen Guenever and the Knights of the Round Table for a legendary tale of love, courage and adventure.
Colourful world
Each one is different, each one has her own talent, each one can be herself, each one can join with any other and create something original together.
We are working on expanding our repertoire to include more theatre pieces with new messages. If you would like to be kept informed of new offerings, keep an eye on our website or let us know at our email. We will include you among the fans of DIVOSVĚTA and send you a personal invitation to the next hot news.


After the theatre performances, you can choose one of the accompanying workshops for your children, which is free of charge. See below for details on the content, time allocation and other details.

Yoga workshop about King Arthur

Let's summarize the story of King Arthur and his knights with the help of yoga asanas. We will learn how to breathe, control our bodies and act out the mythical story of love and courage "body and soul".

time allocation:about 20 minutes
age:5 - 9 years

Yoga Sun Salutation

Let's learn together a beautiful children's greeting to the Sun. We will learn to breathe and practice a playful yoga routine suitable for everyday use. The exercise is accompanied by an easy-to-remember poem, which will help children learn the asanas easily.

time allocation:about 15 minutes
age:5 - 7 years

Yoga story about animals

Children love yoga and many of them practice it unconsciously in their daily lives. In a catchy story about animals, we are transported to Africa and back. During our journey, children will learn basic, mostly "animal" asanas, learn to focus on their breath and become more aware of their bodies. The story can then be practiced with your children in the morning gym time on your own to contribute to the healthy development of their body, mind and spirit.

time allocation:about 15 minutes
age:5 - 7 years

Experience the Force

The power experience is a great meditation and relaxation technique that can help the practitioner recharge in times of need. It is a "work" with imagery that is easily mastered by younger children. You can then use this technique in your daily school process and adapt it to your teaching needs. In fact, you can deliberately direct the "power" you feel after a short observation of the imagery and inner states to where you need to go.

time allocation:about 15 minutes
age:all age categories


We each function in this world on three levels - physical, mental and spiritual. In school, the development of mental and, to some extent, physical skills takes place mainly. The level of the soul, or if you prefer the spirit, remains as a rule very neglected. This then becomes apparent later in life, when as adults we are unable to cope with many of life's routine situations because we simply have not been prepared for them.

You can support the harmonious development of children from a very early age. The Meditation Playgrounds offer an experiential program that is suitable for children from 3 years of age. There is no upper age limit, relaxation and meditation techniques are great tools for experiencing harmonious living at any age. For teachers, this experience can be an inspiration for their own teaching.

Simple guided meditations take place in a quiet environment in the form of fairy tales and Storiesthat can be individually adapted to the topic you are currently working on at school. The meditations are accompanied by relaxing music followed by By sharing own experiences at the level of children's age. Short relaxation and stretching exercises, accompanied by rhymes a breathing exercises, can then be used to teach a variety of subjects. Easy to remember yoga positions effectively stretch tired bodies and children simply love them.

Each DIVOHRATES is accompanied by by chanting mantras (adapted to the age of children), pleasant relaxing music (children can touch the instruments themselves) and creating beautiful hanging mandalas.

Available from: 10. 10. 2018
Aids: mattresses
Duration: 60 - 90 minutes (according to your requirements)
Number of children in the group: maximum 1 class
Price: 60,- CZK / child (minimum 3 500,- CZK per morning, i.e. more classes in a row) + transport (4,- CZK / km)