Women's circles

I feel a deep gratitude for being a woman. I enjoy awakening my feminine energy, strength and creativity, touching the wisdom that is increasingly suppressed in our Western society. I enjoy sharing my experiences with other women, growing together, supporting each other and consciously sustaining life on this planet.

Accept my invitation and contribute with your presence to the understanding that joy, love, inner strength and harmony can become a permanent part of your Being. Experience fully the beauty and perfection of yourself in the cyclic process of your infinite growth. Come in a safe and open circle of women to meditate, dance, create, laugh, cry, celebrate or just "be".

The practical tools you will learn and the stories you will touch will enable you to experience a healthy and fulfilling relationship with yourself and your surroundings. Treat yourself to this extraordinary space and bring your gifts into your everyday life.

Planned actions

Accept an invitation to one of the planned events and join us in harnessing the power of the Women's Circle.

Autumn Weekend Call of the Soul
The last new moon before the solstice is the most auspicious time to stop and listen to the gentle melody of the soul. We can tell if we are dancing to its rhythm by our inner contentment, joy and passionate experience of life. (29. 11. - 1. 12. 2024, Salajna homestead)
Autumn smoothie
or an energizing 7-part course of dance, meditation and sharing (from 17. 9. 2024, Zaya Community School)

Past events

Thank you for the confidence and uniqueness that you have instilled in some of the of past memorable women's circles.

Spring weekend of the energy ten
Just as the Earth awakens with each spring, let us also use the life-giving power of this season to revise, nourish and strengthen the energetic seeds we have planted during our women's gatherings.  (22. - 24. 3. 2024, Salajna homestead)
A weekend of connecting feminine and masculine energy
Woman is the giver, protector and creator of life. Don't miss the common womb ceremony where you will experience an energetic connection with Mother Earth and become part of a lineage of women whose mission is to protect all life on this planet.  (17. - 19. 11. 2023, Salajna homestead)
Spring Abundance Weekend for Women
We celebrate!!! Our 10th meeting will sail on the wings of the Abundance that carried us above the horizon of the everyday last time. Let's smoothly follow up and discover the other laws of its flow.  (24. - 26. 3. 2023, Homestead Buchov)
Autumn weekend of abundance for women
Let us connect with our dreams, desires and wishes and say a clear YES to the Source itself. The ubiquitous Abundance is inexhaustible and each of us can afford to experience Life exactly as we wish.  (18. - 20. 11. 2022, Salajna homestead)
Full moon weekend of the spring equinox for women
The full moon shines in its perfect wholeness. Equanimity balances. Let us connect with the powerful energy of nature's rhythms and let the light of the moon shine through. Let us tap into the wisdom and unique experience of each of the women present.  (18. - 20. 3. 2022, Salajna homestead)
Full Moon Long Weekend for Women
The full moon, a purely feminine element, brings a magical light to the completed cycle. Let us use its energy to understand the next chapter of our lives. Let us discover between the lines who we are and connect with our deepest essence.  (18. - 21. 11. 2021, Homestead Buchov)
A vibrant, relaxing and energetic weekend for women
May is the season of the birth of Life in its full force. Consciously connecting with the rhythm of the Earth through the power of the Four Elements will replenish our energy and help us to experience this beautiful season with joy, openness and inner strength.   (21. - 23. 5. 2021, Homestead Buchov)
Harmonising weekend for women
This event did not take place due to a government decree, despite the date being changed three times. The time of late autumn invites the body and soul to stop, physically rest and look back at the past year. Let us now look at our book of life with an open heart and trust...   (20. - 22. 11. 2020, Salajna homestead)
A magical relaxing and energetic weekend for women
Autumn is a magical time to stop and look back on the year. Just as nature prepares for hibernation, our bodies and minds are also set for moments of rest, pampering and open listening to our stories.   (22. - 24. 11. 2019, Salajna homestead)
Relaxing and creative weekend for women
As spring approaches, our creative energy is also awakening. We emerge from our warm "beds" to reconnect with the flow of new life! Let's celebrate this new beginning with our own creativity.   (22.-24. 3.2019, Salajna homestead)
Winter Energy Weekend for Women
Let us learn to feel our inner energy, work with it and use it in our lives. Let's learn easy and effective meditation and relaxation techniques that can help us in various life situations.   (25.-27. 1.2019, Salajna homestead)
Autumn energy long weekend for women
Early November is a good time to pause and look back on the year. It's a time when we can connect with ourselves, let go of what no longer suits us and replace the empty space with something new...   (9.-11. 11.2018, Salajna homestead)